Sammy the Kitten.

I’m officially half vaxxed, People!

I made an appointment way out of LA in a reddish county. They were available. I guess I took the place of an anti-vaxxer and got vaxxed. It was at a supermarket pharmacy. I went ready to do the high cholesterol with gunk in my pump dance or the I work in the food industry as an entertainer schtick. They were very nice, efficient and asked zero questions at the pharmacy. I am relieved to be halfway there. After a year of fear and terror and trauma it's nice to take the plague variable off the table, hopefully. At least dying of it is way less of a possibility.

I have a new roommate. Sammy the kitten is in the house. Also to be known as Sammy Red, Samster, Sam Man and I’m sure many other variations. I am now parenting a six-week-old ginger cat. He has a white chest and legs and half a face and a perpetually panicked look on his face. His eyes aren’t quite locked in color wise. He was with his mother and siblings for four weeks and my friend Kit had him for a couple. He’s eating kibble and wet food. I’m adding pumpkin and probiotic and his shit looks almost perfect. He's full of the beans and has his own tent. Good guy. I think he’ll make it. I hope so.

Buster is not that tweaked yet. I’m keeping Sammy in a room and Buster has seen him a few times. He hisses and growls a bit. I think he realizes, or my projection of him realizes, that it’s just a kitten and not a threat, yet. Hopefully Buster wont beat him up or kill him. Buster is kind of a bully. He was a full-on elder abuser with old Monkey. The best thing that could happen is that Buster mentors silly Sammy. We’ll see.

I’ve somehow managed to run some errands and get some stuff done that I haven’t been able to bring myself to do for the entire lockdown. I don’t know. I just feel like something has been lifted, a weight. I don’t know what exactly…oh wait. I’m half vaxxed, got shot numero uno. That might have something to do with it. The weather is nice and all that meditation and yoga might be… nope. It was the shot. The shot and the kitten.

I talk to Christopher Lloyd today about his 60-year career in theater, film and television but mostly about One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. What can I say? Sometimes you just get into a groove. On Thursday I have a nice, deep personal talk with Eddie Huang. Excited to engage with him about Asian culture, which I don’t know much about. We talk about his new film ‘Boogie’ as well.


Boomer, Monkey and LaFonda live!
