
I think I’m good, Folks!

I have gotten two negative PCR tests in the last week. I have been exercising at full tilt. I don’t feel ‘great’ but I’m not sure I’ve ever felt great. I really can’t differentiate between how I always feel and feeling symptomatic of a low-grade everything. Something will get all of us. I might as well always think I have it. 

Sammy aka Smushy aka Schmoolie aka Sammy the Red aka Samster turned one year old on the 4th. He’s turning into a very sweet but sort of dumb cat. He’s kind of a doofus. He's a great guy though. I think he might be a little chunky but I won’t project my food issues onto the cat. If he’s comfortable being chubby I’ll let him. As soon as he starts wheezing or having a hard time walking I’ll step in. 

Buster is well. They are the best of pals. A little gay, I think. Again, whatever makes them happy. I’m not here to judge. 

An odd thing happened today. One of the many records I bought in the last week is a Turkish psych record. It’s a reissue by a guy called Erkin Koray. The album is called Elektronnik Türküler. It was released in 1974. I knew nothing about the record. I cannot understand what is being sung about. I put it on. I had my windows open and I was playing it loud. I all of a sudden realized that it might upset my neighbors. Not because it was loud but because I live in an Armenian neighborhood. I’m not sure they would appreciate Turkish music. I assume it could be very upsetting. I can’t explain to them the nuances of psychedelic music and using the ideas of it to reinvent traditional Turkish melodies. I’m paraphrasing from the sticker on the record. It would be an awkward conversation. 

I’m not sure whether I shut the windows out of fear or respect. I’m going with mostly fear. 

Today I talk to my fictional father Judd Hirsch about acting, Taxi, Redford and the challenge of playing my father among other things. On Thursday I talk to comedian Chris Spencer. We do the comedians talking thing. Great talks. 


Boomer, Monkey and LaFonda live!

