Anxiety Levels.

Now we’re in it, Folks!
The new year. The shit. Chaos. 
How’s your vessel holding up? The last few weeks have been weird. It’s always an odd time. The entire time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Vacations on and off. When it’s time to reengage with real life, today, I barely know what day it is.
We’ve been through the ceremony, starting fresh. We enter doughy, lethargic, full of decadent food choice regrets, laziness. Then, jarred into the life patterns by mundane responsibility. It will take a week to wake the fuck up and arrive at the status quo of your particular situation. 
Seeing the sweaty new leaf newbies on the hill I hike. Panting, looking up with dread. Maybe it will stick. 
Fear is awake. It only took a matter of days for the monster to level the new year into a perpetual anticipation of active war. Authoritarian trick. Keep everyone freaked out. Create a culture of media induced PTSD. No comfort anywhere. The narcissistic self-serving morally corrupt monster president killed a mass murdering militaristic state sponsored terrorist evil genius. Problems remain. He’s still president. 
I’m okay. The anxiety levels have been high. Having a hard time breathing somedays. Just dread and trying to adjust to being comfortable and terrified simultaneously. That shouldn’t be a problem, right? Wrong. The more relaxed I get on some deeper level the more frightening things become. That’s what you get for letting go a bit. The doubt demons rush in. A virus that infects the ego. Compartmentalizing is a challenge. 
Enough poetry. This year I started off running. One day last week I did three interviews. One of them being the one that you can hear today with Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio. It was a little nerve-racking for me. They couldn’t come to the house. I had to go off site. I met them at the Arclight Theater in Hollywood in the greenroom. I’ve been a little gun shy with the traveling rig after the equipment problem with the Turturro trip. I was vigilant and obsessed and I still got a little crazy. Fortunately, Pitt is a fan of my crazy. It worked out. Talking to two people is always tricky. Talking to two of the most innately charismatic movie stars of our age is even more so. Doing it while being mildly obsessed and panicked by recording equipment really makes it an electric event. My Everest. Dig it. It was a lot of fun. 
On Thursday I have an absolutely lovely chat with the actor Joe Mantegna. Sweet guy. Great talks. 


